The Schoolcraft Community Library offers a lot more than just books (although we’ve got lots of those too!). In addition to our great programs and events, we have the following services available:
We have all the current best sellers, periodicals, audio books CD, DVD and Blu Ray movies, Discovery Kits, Literacy Kits LITERACY KITS Policy , reference materials, non-fiction books, and local history resources.
Thousands of resources are available through the Woodlands Downloadable library.
Instantly borrow free digital movies, music, eBooks and more, 24/7 with your library card.
The Schoolcraft Library has many computers on-site, all with internet capabilities. We also have wi-fi internet access available for all on-site patrons. Hotspots are available for check outs. Refer to our Hotspot policy for more info .
The Community Room is available for individual or group use for meetings, events, or activities. Reservations can be made for times when the room is not in use. Rent for the use of the Community Room during the library’s closed hours or for events scheduled by for-profit groups is $45 plus $10 per hour staffing fee if event exceeds 2 hours.
A security deposit will also be required for use of AV equipment. For information regarding use of room and reservations, call the library at 679-5959.
MeL, MeL Databases, Genealogy Database, encyclopedias, local history materials – you’ll find all of these services on-site, and many of them are available online.
The Schoolcraft Library offers teacher borrowing privileges, interlibrary loans, home-bound delivery, tax forms, and a book sale.