Schoolcraft Community Library


3D Printer


The Schoolcraft Community Library 3D printer is available to resident cardholders in good standing. Its use is for educational purposes to make three-dimensional objects from a digital model utilizing a design that is uploaded from a Stereo Lithography (STL) format computer file.

The library’s 3D printers may be used only for lawful purposes. They may not be used to create weapons or materials that:

All 3D printing requests must fulfill the library’s requirements

Printing is available on a first-come, first-served basis and is coordinated by the Schoolcraft Community  Library staff. Priority printing will be given to library programs and events.

Library staff will review every object file before it is printed, and the library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request. The nature of 3D printing does not allow complete member privacy, but the library will not share information about a member’s legal activities with third parties. The printer will only print an object in a single color. Color preferences may be submitted, but the library will determine the color of the filament based on availability.

Print jobs take an average of one week to complete. Due to the amount of time it takes to print an object, the number of requests received and staff availability, the library will not guarantee that a print job will be ready on a specific day.

The Library is not responsible for failed 3D prints, although we will do our best to assist in completing successful 3D prints.

Schoolcraft Community Library will not be liable for functional failure of or injuries or property damage caused by objects or materials made through the use of 3D printers. The library strongly recommends that 3D printers not be used to make things that could prove harmful, or that would result in significant cost to the user if they fail.



Submission of a 3D print file signifies that you have read and accept the Library’s 3D Printer Policy. All designs will be reviewed by Library Staff before printing. The Library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request

Where Do I Start?

  1. Create a .STL (stereo lithography) 3D design file and save it on a USB device.
    2. Bring your USB to the library and complete a 3D Printing Request form.
    3. You will be notified of the estimated printing cost by email or phone call.

Who Can Submit .STL Files for Printing?

  1. Schoolcraft Community Library patrons in good standing may bring in a .STL format 3D print file to the Library and complete the 3D Printing Request form.
    2. Please allow up to 10 business days for your item to be printed. You will be contacted when your item has been completed.

Where Can I Find an Online Design Program?

There are many web based programs available. The Library uses to teach 3D modeling in the Library. Additional 3D software and 3D file sites.

Can I Operate the 3D Printer Myself?

Only designated Library staff members may review and print items.

How Much Does It Cost to Print an Item?

The estimated cost will be provided to you when you submit your .STL print file. Printing cost will be calculated by multiplying the grams of PLA filament used times $0.10 per gram.  Example: 10 grams x $0.10 = $1.00
The cost of printing will be added to the patron’s account when the print is finished. Patron must pay this amount before the item can be claimed.

What Colors Can I Print?

The 3D printer will only print one color at a time. You may ask for available color choices when you submit your print request.

What Size Can I Print?

Designs created at home must be downloaded to a USB device and may not exceed 25MB.
Print size is limited to 10 inches tall by 6 inches wide by 6.7 inches deep.


Upcoming Events at the Schoolcraft Community Library

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Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 26
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm