Schoolcraft Community Library

Library Computer and Internet Use

It is the mission the Schoolcraft Community Library to make library material accessible to meet the needs and interest of the community it serves.

The Library’s public, free, open access computers and internet service are accessible in accordance with the ALA “Library Bill of Rights” and the associate interpretation of “Access to Electronic Information Services and Networks” are made available as information and educational resources that supplement other library resources.

This policy provides an explanation of technologies available along with General Usage Policies, Patron and Staff Responsibilities that support the right to use the Library’s public access computers and Internet.

Access to the Library Patron Internet stations shall be made available to all patrons.

Schoocraft Community Library Internet System

General Schoolcraft Library Computer Usage Policy


The Library will establish printing costs for all patrons and post these in an accessible area. Patrons are to pay at the circulation desk.

Patron Requirements

Patron Restrictions

Loss of Privileges

Any violation of the Library’s Computer and Internet Policy will result in loss of computer and Internet Privileges. The denial period is intended to be progressive. The progression is as follows:

The Library Director may deny computer use privileges for up to 1 year for any violation. Repeat violations may result in entire loss of ALL library privileges. A person denied access may appeal to the Director within five days of the date of the written notice. Refer to the policy on “Appeals” for further information.

Staff Responsibilities

Staff members are to call police immediately if they observe anyone using computer to engage in suspected illegal activity while using Library computer or Internet access. Suspicious behavior includes, but not limited to: Viewing or sending pornographic materials, engaging in fraud or attempting to harm or infiltrate another computer system with the intent to do harm.

Patron’s personal information left on Library computers will be immediately deleted, unless it is part of an investigation of suspected illegal activity.

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Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 26
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm